The Iron Yard - Washington DC
I hope you all are as excited as I am about getting this class started. It is in the best interest of everyone to make sure you as prepared as possible for the coming twelve weeks. Through large amounts of hard work and determination, you will learn, grow, and achieve.
Remember, we are all in this together. We will have individual assignments and group assignments. Always be willing and ready to help your peers.
Thank you for your commitment and hard work. It will be rewarded.
There are quite a few tasks and topics that are necessary to take care of before we can actually start learning how to be Ruby and Rails developers. Rather than using class time to get through these, I expect that you can accomplish and learn these things without assistance so that we can spend class time only on those things that are difficult to learn on your own. If you have any questions or confusion about these tasks, please email me so I can help you work through them.
The following are the learning objectives for this prework, all of which are important requirements expected of a professional developer. Though they are not technically “programming” skills, they are crucially important to success both during the class and on the job.